Monday, May 17, 2010

Change of plans...yet again!

So, our plans have changed yet again. Largely in part to finances, we have to delay our trip to the UK and Paris until later (We are hoping to make it to Europe for spring break 2011). Instead, for the price of what the flight would have cost us, we have booked a trip to San Francisco, CA and parts of the Pacific Northwest (including Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, and Victoria Island). While at first not thrilled by the prospect of not going to Europe, I am now excited about our Pacific Northwest travel adventure. Melissa and I will be joined by Tote for our exploration of San Francisco and Yosemite. Then, we will carry on to the Pacific Northwest.

Stay tuned for more details as well as blogs and images from the trip!


  1. Hey! I didn't you had a blog! I'm linking it up on my blog.

    p.s. I am SO jealous that you get to go to Pacific NW; I've always wanted to go to Vancouver and Victoria Island, though I've been to Portland and loooved it! Lovely mossy/waterfally goodness! Have a great time!

  2. Thanks! We are both very excited. In less than three hours I will be flying on my way to Miami! We should all get together!
